from now version 2.0.0 of minuvis for ioBroker is available.
Information for upgrading your configuration you can find here:
improvements to version 1:
- new 18-columns-grid
- selectabel border for grid
- no adaption to the screen width; there may now be several configurations (e.g. for smartphone and tablet)
- title and title icon omitted, can be used with headline widget
- Import function of V1 configurations
- new map widget to accommodate other widgets
- zoom factor for switch widget
- new imgbutton widgets (taster with picture as background)
- new design of the donut widget
- new datetime widget (also possible as an analog clock)
- new textInput widget
- new banner (display of information on every page)
- global themes: dark and light designs are integrated; simple option possible
- imgOutput-Widget: url of the picture can now also be dynamic
- new schedex-widget
- new dropDown-widget
- new unicode-emoji-icons
- Timestamp is now optional
- link button can now also be configured as an external link
- Map and flot widget also possible modally
- better selection of "no icon"
- improved state handling
- extensive code update